E5110 - Datenbank nicht mehr verfügbar - Datenbankdienst beendet sich ständig

Nach oder vor der Sicherung wird ständig einer folgenden Fehler angezeigt und der CA Datenbankdienst beendet sich

"E5110 The database is no longer available."
"E4101 Unable to login to db engine"
"E3530 Failed to login to database EC=-2005"

The errors listed above may appear if there is a problem with the ARCserve standard database (VLDB) which can in turn place the ARCserve Database Engine in a shutdown state.

If the database engine will not stay in a running state this could be an indication of a problem with the contents within the database. As a first step perform the following:

- Run CSTOP.BAT from the ARCserve install directory.

- Remove the following files from X:\Program Files\CA\BrightStor ARCserve Backup\Database: rdm.chi, rdm.chk and rAAAA*.chg

- Remove the *.tmp files from the X:\Program Files\CA\BrightStor ARCserve Backup\temp directory.

- Edit VELOCIS.INI in X:\Program Files\CA\BrightStor ARCserve Backup\Database modifying the following entries to the values listed:
Archiving = 0
AsyncRead = 0
AsyncWrite = 0

- Run CSTART.BAT from the ARCserve install directory.

If this does not help than this may be an indication that detail table data in the database have inconsistencies. An initialization of this table can be done to zero out the detail specific data while retaining specific information relating to jobs, tapes, media pools, etc. in tact.
ATTENTION: It should be noted that this operation will remove all detail record information for given backups, and specific restore data will need to be merged back into the database for restore by Tree, Session, and Query operations.

- Close all ARCserve applications.

- Start > Programs > ARCserve > ARCserve Server Admin.

- Select the Database Engine tab.

- Select Operation > Initialize Database...

- Select "The database to be initialized" and then highlight astpsdat.

- Click the initialize button.

If the initialization of the ASTPSDAT database does not resolve the problem please contact CA Technical Support.

Quelle: CA Document ID: TEC426805
“Das einzig sichere System müsste ausgeschaltet, in einem versiegelten und von Stahlbeton ummantelten Raum und von bewaffneten Schutztruppen umstellt sein.”
Gene Spafford (Sicherheitsexperte)