Performanceproblem/Fehler TrendMicro ermitteln

Beim Starten der TrendMicro-Clients tritt ein Perrmanceproblem oder sonstige Fehler auf.
Es wird vermutet, dass das Problem von einem TrendMicro-dienst oder -Komponente verursacht wird.

Das Worry Free Busienss Security beinhaltet verschiedene Komponenten welche das Problem verursachen koennen. Um das Problem naeher Eingrenzen zu koennen gehen Sie bitte folgende Schritte durch:
1. Please check what service is the problem:
a. Disable the Trend Micro Unauthorised Change Prevention Service <-- Reproduce the issue
b. Enable the previously stopped Service again. Disable the Trend Micro Firewall Service <-- Reproduce the issue
c. Enable the previously stopped Service again. Disable the Trend Micro TMProxy Service <-- Reproduce the issue
d. Enable the previously stopped Service again. Disable the Trend Micro RealTime Scan Service <-- Reproduce the issue
e. Enable the previously stopped Service again. Disable the Trend Micro TMListen Service <-- Reproduce the issue
f. Disable all the Services the same time <-- Reproduce the issue
Note: Please check the services in the above mentioned order. If one of the Services is responsible for the issue, please let us know and we will send you the information what logs are required.
g. Re-enable all the services you use normally.

If none of the services is the problem, please test the following drivers one by one:

2. AEGIS driver (Behaviour Monitoring):
a. Open the registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tmevtmgr
b. Note the value of "Start"
c. Change the value of "Start" to "4"
d. Redo the steps "b" and "c" with the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tmactmon and
e. Reproduce the issue and check if the problem still happens
f. Please change the value for "Start" back to all three values you noted in point "b"

3. Firewall driver:
a. Open the registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tmcfw
b. Note the value of "Start"
c. Change the value of "Start" to "4"
d. Reproduce the issue and check if the problem still happens
e. Please change the value for "Start" back to the value you noted in point "b"

4. TMTDI driver:
a. Open the registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TMTDI
b. Note the value of "Start"
c. Change the value of "Start" to "4"
d. Reproduce the issue and check if the problem still happens
e. Please change the value for "Start" back to the value you noted in point "b"

5. ScanEngine Driver:
a. Open the registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TmPreFilter
b. Note the value of "Start"
c. Change the value of "Start" to "4"
d. Reproduce the issue and check if the problem still happens
e. Please change the value for "Start" back to the values you noted in point "b"
“Das einzig sichere System müsste ausgeschaltet, in einem versiegelten und von Stahlbeton ummantelten Raum und von bewaffneten Schutztruppen umstellt sein.”
Gene Spafford (Sicherheitsexperte)