The Definitive Guide to Zone Design

The Definitive Guide to Zone Design

One of the major decisions with a Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 design is deciding on the number of zones required. As additional versions of Presentation Server are released the details behind zone communication are also changed. As zone communication continues to improve, the basis for deciding on the number of zones also changes.
This article will discuss the design considerations for zones when building a Presentation Server 4.5 environment.

Link: The Definitive Guide to Zone Design

FlashPlayer in Citrix XenApp


- Windows Server 2003 SP2
- Internet Explorer 6
- FlashPlayer mit Offline Installation installiert

Nach der Installation steht der Flash Player nur Administratoren zur Verfügung. Nicht Administratoren erhalten die Option zur Installation des Players.

Um den Flash Player auch für Nicht Administratoren zur Verfügung zu stellen, müssen die folgenden Registry Keys angepasst werden:


Die Keys müssen jeweils auf “Everyone” - “Read” geändert werden. Standardmässig sind diese auf “Everyone - Deny

How to Enable or Disable Hotkeys within an ICA file

How to Enable or Disable Hotkeys within an ICA file

The procedure below allows for the default ICA Client hotkeys to be mapped within Web Interface. If any keys affect your application, alter them to reflect a key that does not conflict with your application. This process alleviates the need to alter each appsrv.ini file on the individual client workstation.

HINT: The Citrix Web Client, 6.x versions (985, 986, and 1050), do not have the code to read from the client installed Appsrv.ini or an .ICA file. Download and use the latest ICA client

Link: CTX140219 - How to Enable or Disable Hotkeys within an ICA file (including Template.ica)

How to Configure SQL 2005 Encryption and the Configuration Logging Database

How to Configure SQL 2005 Encryption and the Configuration Logging Database

Configuring a System Database Source Name (DSN) using Microsoft’s Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Utility with Use Strong Encryption for Data

Link: CTX118272 - How to Configure SQL 2005 Encryption and the Configuration Logging Database
“Das einzig sichere System müsste ausgeschaltet, in einem versiegelten und von Stahlbeton ummantelten Raum und von bewaffneten Schutztruppen umstellt sein.”
Gene Spafford (Sicherheitsexperte)