Client-Server-Kommunikation prüfen

Sollte die Kommunikation zwischen Client und Server nicht funktionieren, dann kann man mit folgender Anleitung überprüfen, ob die Kommunikations-Ports funktionieren und erreichbar sind:

Check the server-agent communication.

a. From the Security Server, ping the IP address of the (appears disconnected/offline) agent.

b. From the (appears disconnected/offline) Client/Server Security Agent, ping the IP address of the Security Server.

c. Return to the Security Server and open the ..\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file.

d. Note the values of the following entries:
• Master_DomainName
• Master_DomainPort
• Client_LocalServer_Port

e. Open a command prompt and run this command:
telnet [agent's IP address] [value of the Client_LocalServer_Port]

Note: If telnet is unsuccessful, kindly check if a firewall is turned on or is blocking the Client_LocalServer_Port.
Ask your network administrator for assistance.

f. Open a command prompt from the Client/Server Security Agent and run this command:
telnet [value of the Master_DomainName] [value of the Master_DomainPort]

Note: If telnet is unsuccessful, kindly check if a firewall is turned on or is blocking the Master_DomainPort. Ask your network administrator for assistance.

g. Check for limited network bandwidth. If this condition exists, run these commands to determine if the limited bandwidth causes connection timeout:
• From the Security Server, type
ping -t [agent's IP address]

• From the Client/Server Security Agent, type
ping -t [server's IP address]

Verify the client’s connection to the Security Server.

a. On the client machine, open Internet Explorer.

b. Type this URL in the address bar then press Enter:

http://Server name:serverport/SMB/cgi/cgionstart.exe

If the next screen shows [-2], this means the client can communicate with the server.

“Das einzig sichere System müsste ausgeschaltet, in einem versiegelten und von Stahlbeton ummantelten Raum und von bewaffneten Schutztruppen umstellt sein.”
Gene Spafford (Sicherheitsexperte)